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Keep Your Windows Dirty—a Public Service Announcement

Keep Your Windows Dirty—a Public Service Announcement

I love gazing out of our windows, but I’m convinced that dirty windows save lives. Here is a PSA—share it with your friends.



There’s a particular word known as “birdbrain.” If you’ve heard “birdbrain” directed towards you, it probably wasn’t a compliment; it was an insult to your intelligence. Here’s an example. Kaleo spent an afternoon trying to catch his own tail—what a birdbrain. While I don’t know the origin of the phrase, I have a theory involving windows.



Mom and Dad like to keep the windows of the house spotless. They even clean up the residue from Kaleo’s drool, which could be daily. A few weeks ago, I was conserving energy underneath the large picture window; when “BLUMP,” a woodpecker, went headfirst into the window.

Sarplananinac looking at woodpecker hit window



Upon inspection, birdbrain would fit, but I felt awful for the bird and its family. I gave it a few nudges and nothing.


MOM,” “DAD,” I barked. They came out and took a look at the bird.





Oh, poor thing.” Mom said.

“I’ll get a shovel,” Dad said.


Dog Worried about Woodpecker







Kaleo Shouted.








 As soon as mom and dad walked away, the woodpecker rolled over and flew off. Kaleo darted after it barking.

Dog Worried about Woodpecker

This specific incident was a happy one, but you’d be surprised how often birds fly into that window. So to all the humans out there, do your part and save a life, keep your windows dirty. If you need help, I’ll happily enlist my birdbrain brother.

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